Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fat, the new battle of the bulge

Bitching about being judged

Measuring BMI accurately is purely a matter of a dunk tank. Hook a person up to a respirator, submerge them (partially) in a basket with some sensors. And you get the readout for an individuals Body composition or Body Mass Index.

The issue I have with the right on this is plain and simple. They don't seem to like people judging food quality. And consistently whine about any attempt to steer diet in any direction. Which would be fine, if we as Americans didn't seem to find a way to eat ourselves into a grave. The simple truth is this: we're fat. Why? Because we don't do enough and we fail to control our diet. And diet is where our biggest issues lie. We eat horribly. Go check a grocery store, and look at the top sellers. I promise you, meat is the least of the problem.

Truth is people are pounding down pre-made deserts, high sodium canned foods, snacks, crap cereal, etc. And even with all of that, we wouldn't be as bad off as we are without the massive quantity of these items that are ingested.

Simplified, its not about eating a s'more, it's about eating a dozen s'mores. And people complain. Well you should complain. It is your health, and it is what goes into your body. But simply put: when you are making poor choices I don't much care about your complaints. Because from my experience the best way to rid people of poor decision making is a swift kick in the ass. And yeah they're gonna whine, but it gets the job done.

And we can fight all day and night about the proper role of government, but obesity is more that everyone looks into a mirror and goes... yeah this ain't pretty and it is certainly not right.

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